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Satisfaction and engagement - Santander

Satisfaction and engagement

We work intensively to build successful human capital management and make Santander the best place to work.

The internal engagement rate increased from 88% to 92% in the survey conducted in 2018. In addition, 9 out of 10 employees said they were proud to work at Santander Brasil.

In 2018, we invested R$50.4 million in training, undergraduate degree scholarships, languages, postgraduate education/MBA, external courses and compulsory certifications.

In the last three years, we have featured on the Great Place to Work (GPTW) list. We are also ranked among the 20 best companies for women to work for in Brazil.

What we do

We want to be the place of great talents, of people who have the ambition to challenge the market and to reinvent the way of banking.

Guided by our corporate culture and internal policies, we encourage employee empowerment in the workplace and offer opportunities that support the development and professional growth of everyone within and outside the organization.

Corporate culture

We Are Santander Week

Santander Week is an event that happens annually in all the countries where the bank is present. For a week, we celebrate the pride of being part of Santander and internally reinforce the values of our corporate culture (find out more in Santander’s Code of Ethical Conduct). In 2018, the week was held from 11 to 15 June and was attended by the CEO of Santander Brasil, Sérgio Rial, and the executives who reinforced the challenge of “encourage employees to practice the ‘Culture of Service’ in all interactions with customers and society”.

To do this, many internal and external activities are organized, ranging from volunteering to activities which manifest the importance of customer service. An example was a bank leaders’ visit, including vice presidents, to branches, call center and operations areas.

Coffee with Rial

With the aim of broadening the dialogue between leadership and employees, since 2016, the CEO of Santander Brasil has been holding monthly coffee meetings in which he covers a full range of strategic themes in a frank and transparent manner.

In order to make the coffee meeting nationally feasible, registration is open to 500 employees who can participate using the conference rooms located in “Select” segment branches, administrative centers and call centers. Raffled employees can ask the CEO and the invited executives questions. The other employees can watch the coffee meeting online, on the branch network, administrative buildings and on the employee application.

The average audience of the 11 meetings held in 2018 was 15,000 people for each one, with about 18,500 people via webcast - broadcast on App Now and Intranet, and an average of 500 people connected directly with the president via videoconference.

Talent Show

In order to humanize the workplace and value the identity and different talents of our people, president Sérgio Rial invited all employees to show their talents on stage during the annual corporate meeting held in São Paulo in October 2018. The initiative, called “The Incredible Talent Show”, pre-selected 30 employees, who performed singing, playing instruments, dancing and painting, showing their artistic skills to the 5,000 colleagues present at the event.

Internal communication network

Keeping more than 48,000 employees connected and up to date with Santander news requires a broad systems of communication, ensuring speed and ease of understanding.

Currently, the bank has electronic and print publications, intranet, internal TV circuit and materials that are available in the circulation areas. Top leadership uses communications via email for urgent and relevant information that requires immediate attention from employees. Product launches and campaigns as well as alerts and information on operations are also reported with priority.

In addition, whenever necessary, managers call special meetings to discuss urgent matters with their teams. Informal meetings or conversations may occur during breakfast or at lunch with the staff.

Santander Star

An institutional non-financial recognition program that covers five categories of awards aligned with our strategic priorities: innovation, collaboration, customer service, result and Risk Pro.

The recognition includes the disclosure of winners and their cases, with photos and videos of the awarding of the Santander Star. In 2018, the award took place at the Annual Meeting. The CEO Sérgio Rial called the winners to the stage and surprised them with a beautiful tribute including their relatives.


Santander's global platform, with strong adoption in Brazil, which aims to promote recognition among employees based on corporate behaviors (find out more in the Code of Ethical Conduct).

Every month, each employee is given ten stars to honor a colleague with, either from his or her team, from any other division or from another country. The recognition can be done through the intranet or the application.

Training and career

Academia Santander

The academy has the task of forming multiplier leaders within Santander, so that they can communicate the operational and strategic values related to our culture to the largest number of employees, in different parts of the country.

As a learning proposal, the employee is encouraged to be the protagonist of his own career and, as it develops, contribute even more to customer satisfaction.

The Academia Santander includes five physical units (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre), 15 co-working environments, 33 classrooms and resources for distance improvement (online platform and mobile application).

In its first year of activity, the Academia Santander was recognized as “The Best Corporate University of the Country” by Educorp, the Corporate Education School of Unicamp. In 2018, we recorded the participation of 96% of employees in at least one educational initiative in person or from a distance. In total, there were:
  • 21,005 participations in face-to-face courses;
  • 1,168,090 participations in online courses;
  • 993 learning experiences;
  • 3.1 million accesses to the platform (1.9 million via mobile and 1.2 million via web);
  • The certification of almost 67% of the training was in charge of internal multipliers.


Santander financially supports the first postgraduate and undergraduate course of the employees with grants and a subsidy of 50% of the amount of the monthly fee, limited to R$ 617.00. If the number of requests exceeds the number of available scholarships, the following tie-breaking criteria are applied, necessarily in this order: lower salary, longer company time and greater number of dependents. In 2018, 1,557 new scholarships were awarded.

Education Agreement

Santander maintains agreements with educational institutions that offer differentiated conditions for employees, trainees and their dependents. There are several options of language courses, undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA, in face-to-face, online and mixed learning modalities.

The bank also provides recommendations of MOOCs (Massive open online course), open and mass online courses which provide free content and distance training offered by major universities around the world.

Trainee Program

Santander's trainee program aims to develop young talents to become future bank leaders. It was created to provide positive experiences in businesses, branches, associated companies and central areas, considering the different regions of the country.

The program runs over one year and offers: mentoring with Santander´s executives, monitoring of the HR area, training at the Academia Santander, job rotations and implementation of projects in various areas of the bank. The trainee development process goes beyond the first year in the bank, and it is possible to continue improving through other institutional programs.

In 2018, more than 32,000 candidates participated in the selection process. Of this total, 34 youths with different origins and backgrounds were selected. Among the criteria was the candidate’s adherence to our corporate culture.

“Meu Lugar Santander” (My Place Santander)

Launched in 2018, the internal mobility program discloses existing opportunities in all areas of the bank. By the end of the year, 9,800 vacant positions were opened with 13,000 registered employees. Throughout 2018, “Meu Lugar Santander” (My Place Santander) had more than 500,000 accesses. Of the 44,000 employees, 29,700 updated their areas of interest and 32,800 their experience or knowledge.

Santander World

This is a three-month exchange program in countries where Santander operates. The exchange takes place once a year and to participate in the recommendation of the People Committee is necessary, besides the fulfillment of some requirements by those recommended.

In 2018, Santander Brasil sent 15 Brazilians abroad, to countries such as Poland, Spain, the United States and China.

Feedback chats

Managers are encouraged to talk individually with each team member about aspirations, current career momentum, and day-to-day activities in the organization and in the area.

This chat considers the employee's performance and what behaviors, skills, and knowledge will be needed for the next steps, as well as the goals for the year. At the end of the conversation, the professional should be clear about what their strengths are and which ones should be developed.

Goal tracking is ongoing and the feedback chats occur in two formal processes in the year, or at any time.

Training and engagement for sustainability

Communication and Training

We have policies, processes and business which include different aspects of sustainability in the organization's daily practices. By training our employees to adopt these practices, we address both directly and transversally issues such as ethics, human rights, diversity and environment.

We strive to do this in the simplest and most transparent way possible. Our Code of Ethical Conduct, for example, brings practical examples of situations and points out what should be done step by step, what is not acceptable and how to act in cases of doubt. Another example is the Fit to Grow, a process that involves all employees in the search for solutions that reduce the use of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2018, we registered almost 112,000 participations in training related to sustainability. Of these, more than 59,000 were to prepare the teams to provide guidance to customers on the best use of products and services and 42,000 for updates on socio-environmental legislation and Brazilian Central Bank regulations.

We also have mandatory courses for employees, focused on ethics and compliance guidelines: Code of Ethical Conduct, Conduct Risk in the Marketing of Products and Services, Money Laundering Prevention, Corporate Defense (Criminal Risks), Antitrust - Introduction to Competition Law and Code of Conduct in the Securities Market, when applicable. See the data detailed in the book of indicators of our last annual report.

Social participation

We encourage and support the citizen participation of our employees in initiatives of social and environmental impact. For this, we have our corporate volunteering program, the “Escola Brasil” Program (School Brazil), which had the participation of 1,241 volunteers throughout 2018.

In addition, we do an intense annual campaign to engage our employees in voluntary initiatives during the We Are Santander Week and in the campaigns of the “Amigo de Valor” program (Friend of Value program). In 2018, the contribution of employees in the “Amigo de Valor” was a record: 28,000 people participated, raising a total of R$5.8 million.

Another initiative is the Blood Donation Program, which involves our entire network of relationships - including employees, family, friends, customers, and surrounding communities - in the challenge of increasing the stock of blood banks. In 2018, two national blood donation campaigns were held (April and August), with more than 100 collection points in various regions of the country. In total, there were 8,751 donations.

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How remuneration works at Santander

Our remuneration strategy promotes good conduct and values the ethical and sustainable outcome.