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Sustainability policies

Ethical, social and environmental criteria that guide everyday business, relations and attitudes at Santander.

Get to know

Our policies are based on Brazilian legislation, Santander Group´s policies, best practices and international conventions and protocols. Among the references used we can find agreements such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as well as local standards such as the Central Bank of Brazil – Resolution 4,327, which determines socio-environmental responsibility procedures for financial institutions.

Code of Ethical Conduct

Reference for personal and professional behavior for all people working in Santander Brasil Group, the Code of Ethical Conduct provides practical examples of expected and unacceptable behaviors, detailing our five fundamental principles of ethical conduct: integrity, transparency, responsibility, diversity and respect.

PDF Version

Anti-Corruption Policy

Establishes standards of behavior for employees in situations that may involve corruption and emphasizes the Santander's position against any unlawful act of this nature.

PDF Version

Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy

It establishes principles, guidelines and procedures for social and environmental practices in our business and relations with Santander stakeholders, in accordance with Resolution 4327 of the Central Bank of Brazil.

PDF Version

Santander´s Global Policies

Santander Brasil's policies incorporate Santander Group's Global Policies guidelines, which establish the adoption of ethical, social and environmental principles in the conduct of our business.